Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Testing on an actual ipad

1.Sign up for the Iphone developer program :
This is the first step towards testing your application on
a real device is to sign up for the Standard program.
2.Start your Xcode :
Choose window in X code(with sample program) ->Organizer to launch the organizer application ,then copy down the identifier obtained and save it,it will be needed later on.

3.Generating a certificate signing request

To request a development certificate from Apple, you need to generator a Certificate Signing Request.

Goto-Keychain Access, choose certificate Assistant and select Request a certificate from a certificate authority.

In the certificate assistant window, enter your email address, select the saved to disk radio button , and select the Let Me specify Key Pair Information check box,click continue.

After pressing continue will ask Key Pair Information
Choose a key size of 2048 bits and choose the RSA Algorithm.Click continue

You are asked to save the request to a file.Use the default name suggested and click save.

Choose iphone Provisioning portal

On the iphone developer program portal page,click
the launch assistant button

You should see the welcome page.Click continue.
First, you are asked to create an App ID.Enter a friendly name to describe the Apple ID.Click continue.

In Device ID, need to provide the device ID that you obtained earlier./
After generating,Click Continue…
5.Then Name your Provisioning Profile and it will create profile and download the generated provisioning profile onto your Mac by clicking the download button.

Drag and drop the downloaded provisioning profile.Doing so installs the provisioning profile onto your connected
pad.Click continue.
6.You can verify your provisioning certificate is installed correctly on your device by going to the Organizer application and viewing the provisioning certificate.

7.Back in the iphone developer program portal, you are now ready to download and install the Development Certificateonto your pad..
Double click the download certificate file that you have just download to install it on a key chain on your mac. When prompted click OK.

8. In the Key Chain access application, select the login key chain and look for the certificate named iphone developer your name.If you can see it, Your certificate installed correctly.
Now u almost ready to deploy the application.In Xcode change it to iphone device . BUILD and RUN.
10.Your application will now be deployed to the device.

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